Advertising & Monetization Marketplace
Our independence is your freedom.

Whether you’re buying ads or selling them, our open, independent, programmatic ad exchange is the only forum that makes it simple to ensure you access as many partners as possible, and that transactions are bias-free.

Earn more revenue by opening up your inventory to more buyers, easily

Massive scale
Six billion monthly, global audio ad opportunities for your buyers

More inventory sold
Higher fill rate with access to over 60 advertiser demand sources

Sell your inventory no matter where your content is hosted on multiple SSP platforms

Less listener burnout
High diversity of advertisers in an open marketplace

Fast, digestible insights
Dashboard for a simple view of how your audio inventory is performing

Dynamic ad insertion (DAI)
Serving an ad automatically when an episode is streamed or downloaded means more chances to serve a more relevant ad
Read CEO Jon Stephenson’s AdExchanger article about DAI

Turn millions of loyal listeners into your loyal customers

Massive reach
Over 100 million super-engaged listeners

Wide array of content
14,000+ publisher partners, from the biggest shows to niche podcasts

Streamlined cross-channel buying
Access to streaming and podcast listeners in one marketplace

Audience-based buying
Connect you to the right consumers at massive scale, no matter what they’re listening to

The audiences you want
Target by geography, genre, behavioral data, device type or content type

Dynamic ad insertion (DAI)
Serving an ad automatically when an episode is streamed or downloaded means more opportunities to reach the right listeners
Deep Dive into Marketplace with Sounds Profitable