For Hosting Platforms
Give all of your podcasters a fair chance to grow
You host a lot of amazing shows. Keep them amazing by making sure those creators get paid.

Independent and tech-agnostic, plugging into SoundStack’s monetization platform is simple. Open up all of your podcasters’ inventory to hundreds of ads automatically in our programmatic marketplace, and ensure everyone earns as much ad revenue as possible, as fast as possible.

Nearly every podcaster I talk to wants monetization options; smaller shows have been at a disadvantage, but no longer – every show can monetize today. We are thrilled to work with SoundStack as our programmatic advertising delivery partner. Todd Cochrane, CEO, Blubrry

Enabling programmatic for podcasters on Blubrry: read the news

More ads filled
Higher fill rates with access to over 60 advertiser demand sources in Marketplace

Connectors offers one point of access to the supply-side platforms (SSPs), demand-side platforms (DSPs), and ad servers of your choice

More efficient optimization with tools like Dynamic Ad Insertion (DAI) core to the platform