Sound Decisions Made Simple with Streaming Trends

Portrait of Heather Smith Heather Smith , VP of Publisher Enablement

What guides you when you think about how to manage and evolve your streaming audio business? Experience and intuition clearly go a long way – you know your own business! But, no great mystery, you need to consult the data too. 

Insights about your stations need to be comprehensive and robust to give you a true understanding of how they’re performing. But they also need to be simple, so it’s easy for you to learn what you need to do quickly, and delivered in a way that gives you flexibility and control. Our platform is your platform.

Say hello to Streaming Trends, part of SoundStack Insights, which brings all of the above to a clear view of how your station is performing over time. From the range of metrics you care about – total listening hours (TLH), time spent listening (ATSL), bounce rate and more – to custom time frames, the ability to analyze station-by-station, and a lot more, Streaming Trends is a path to sound choices.

Let our own Heather Smith, VP of Publisher Enablement, show you what Streaming Trends can do in this super-short video, and as always, contact us here to learn more.